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Apex Residents Open Food Bank to Help Neighbours

A group of residents in Apex has come together to provide emergency food boxes for their neighbours who are in need.

“When we started, there was a need in the community to introduce not necessarily a food bank but an emergency food box to families in need,” said co-ordinator Patience Sibanda.

“We live in Apex and have our own Facebook group called Apex Emergency Food Bank outside of the Iqaluit Public Service Announcements pages.”

It’s a small group of people who are involved, ranging from a few to a half dozen or so depending on the day. Sibanda said the effort started March 2 after Apex residents began posting on Facebook that they were in need of food but had difficulty getting to the food bank in Iqaluit.

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Justice At The Table

For over 825 million people in the world right now, a solid, nutritious meal is an unattainable dream. Of this number, 345 million are forced by circumstances beyond their control to make drastic sacrifices to survive. Despite such desperate efforts by devoted parents, malnutrition still ends up causing nearly half of all deaths in children under the age of five.

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